
Register now

We accept children for enrollment from one through 6 years of age. There are four steps of the enrollment process, which are outlined below:

Step 1:
Parents must fill in an online registration form. Whenever we have a suitable free spot, we’ll be contacting parents via email and
inviting them to a tour through our facilities.

Step 2:
School Tour and Meeting with the Director- This parent orientation allows the parent to view the programs, learn about Happy Honey Kids Club’s philosophy and program goals and discuss any specific questions and concerns. It is a time for parents to share with the director information about their child that will make the transition from home to preschool a successful one. It is also a time for you to familiarize yourself with some of Happy Honey Kids Club’s policies and procedures.

Step 3:
Child’s Visit- It is important to allow the child to visit the classroom so that s/he may become acquainted with the teacher and familiar with the classroom environment. The child’s visit may be scheduled on the same day as the parent’s tour or arranged at a future date, more convenient for the parent and child.

Step 4:
Signing of Contract and Completion of Admissions Forms- All required forms found in the registration packet must be completed and submitted to the office before your child is officially accepted for attendance.

Step 5:
Payment of Registration and Reservation of Space- Payment of a non-refundable enrollment fee initiates the administrative enrollment process. A one-time non-refundable registration fee of €490 is due to hold a place.

Register now