Welcome to Happy Honey Kid Club in Munich!
Through a strong curriculum including self-discovery, independent thinking, cooperation, and sharing; our children
are provided with outstanding opportunities to learn and grow. We feel this gives our children the opportunity to
learn the base skills that will successfully carry them throughout their lives.
Pedagogical principles of our daycare centers (brief version)
- Key aspects
Our daycare centers follow the principles promulgated by the Guideline framework for early years learning, care and education in Bavaria (Bayrischen Bildungs- und Erziehungsplan).
- Our approach to children
Children are naturally competent, active and curious. They use all their senses to discover and explore the world, each of them in their own individual way. Children grow up in different living environments and living conditions. We welcome and value this diversity and are committed to treating all children as equal.
- Our approach to working with children
The well-being of our children is at the heart of all activities we perform at the daycare centers. Children need a safe, secure and reliable environment that promotes their healthy physical and psychological development. Individual needs are the cornerstone of our work with the children. The more consistent and attentive we are in fostering the children’s development, the more added values they take with them to their next stages in life.
- The relevance of learning, care and education
Learning, care and education facilitate the children’s development into self-dependent and socially competent individuals. Driven by their natural joy of learning, young children learn through a holistic process that involves all of their senses and arises from the activities and games they play. Early learning depends on the children developing close relationships with the daycare staff and requires a stimulating and enabling environment that allows the children to make their own learning experiences. Care entails empathy as well as fostering the physical and spiritual well-being of each individual child. At our daycare centers, adults treat children with regard and respect. The children’s trust is built on attention and encouragement. Education characterizes the interaction between adults and children in our daycare centers and involves the provision of a stimulating, challenging and interesting environment.
- Bonding is the basis
The first bonds young children develop with adults and other children are very important. Reliable, familiar and readily available carers are critical for the healthy development of children. The settling-in process ensures that the children have the freedom and security to explore the daycare environment and benefit from their learning experiences. During the carefully planned settling-in period, children are given sufficient time to bond with a primary carer and become acquainted with their new surroundings. The reliable daily routine and recurring rituals we follow at the daycare centers give the children support and security and help them develop a sense of time. Nevertheless, children have sufficient leeway to organize aspects of their day and follow their own initiative, concentrating on their own interests and developing independent problem-solving skills.
- Cooperation with parents
The staff at our daycare centers is keen to work closely with the parents and establish successful pedagogical partnerships. Information on the children’s experiences at the center or at home is exchanged at bringing and collection times as well as during arranged meetings. At least twice a year, parents are invited to a development review meeting.